
Below are the updated flyer designs to be reviewed by Sav and Mikey on Thursday 4th March.
I have re-designed 3 flyers, all using the title and font that was agreed last week, as well as including the date of the exhibition.
I think that the first flyer is a bit too cluttered with the different paint splatters, The 2nd flyer is my favourite as it is well laid out with a good use of space.

1 Response to Updated Flyer Designs

4 March 2010 at 03:27

Hi Craig,

I think all teams are a little bit confused with the dates of the exhibition. True that I told you in class that it will run from the 21to the 28 of May, but that was considering that the 21 you will start putting the exhibition. Therefore, the exhibition will be ready for the public for Sat. 22. The same applies for the 28 when you will be taking down the exhibition. Therefore, visitors will be able to go until the 27. Hope this clarifies the misunderstanding.
Related to the flyers design: I find the three of them extremely busy. Why are you using the three logos at the same time???? Decide which of them you find describes the concept of the exhibition and apply it; JUST ONE. Also, the sponsorship logos are massive. Make them smaller to give your design more space and make it look cleaner and easier to understand. Remember this is a flyer, you have a very short period of time for public's attention. With so many elements they will just get confused, throw it away and no communication will be established. Hope this helps.

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