
Richard Dutton - To finish his remaining 2 poster designs, using photographic imagery and changing text to Century Gothic where necessary.

Rob C - To change poster designs to match the theme of the exhibition. This includes changing type and imagery where necessary.

Shou Wang - To add to the A4 letter head. Info to be added includes, title of exhibition, website address and contact details.

Me - To finalise flyer designs now the information is available to do so.

All to be done by; Thursday 25th March

1 Response to Task Allocation

24 March 2010 at 08:33

Can you please be sure to take tomorrow a printed copy for each of the Team Leaders and me of achieved tasks until today and printed versions of flyers, posters and all the graphics your team has done until today? I want to have a meeting tomorrow with the three of you and make a list of tasks that need to be done and define deadlines to be meet once the holidays are over.
See you tomorrow.

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