
These images below have been taken and manipulated by me over the years. These are possible candidates for my portfolio.

1 Response to Portfolio Part 2

12 April 2010 at 09:04

Hi Craig,

Based in what I can see of the work you want to include in your portfolio, you could split it in 3 main topics:
Don't forget to include in your blog: name of the project, aim and description (what for and how were these projects done).
I also posted a comment to Savva to let him know I contacted people from High Chelmer to check what was going on with the units they told us we were going to be able to use. Jackie (the person who I contacted this time) checked the agenda and told me that probably we would get units 9-11 (big ones), but because your exhibition overlaps with another event in the same unit, they still weren't sure of giving you those units. I asked her then if it was possible to put up signage around the shopping mall to guide visitors and she told me she wouldn't have any problem with that. So please, contact Savva (once you come back from holidays) to sort out the signage you will be using. I think Robert's banners could work great with the concept (as we discussed it in class).

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