
I have decided to go for high-quality printing of my work, displayed in a well-made work book. WH Smith and Staples both sell presentation books of high quality. Here is an idea of the book I would use:

Printing would possibly be done on premium glossy, photographic paper - 255g/m2.

The reason for choosing a book with clear, presentation sleeves is due to the fact when I graduate from University, I willl attend various job interviews, some of which may include more photographical elements than animation, and others, more animation than photography. Putting my work in sleeves makes it easier to add and remove work when necessary.


As I forgot to include the "sponsored by" elements in my last flyer upload. Here is the final front flyer design. The back remains unchanged.


Here is my CV with a few changes. I have included more client work and deleted my GCSE grades as I feel that college and University education is enough to display.


Here are the finished, flyer designs all ready for print. Unless any changes such as sponsorships or dates occur, these will be the designs that will be printed.


These images below have been taken and manipulated by me over the years. These are possible candidates for my portfolio.


Here are 3 pieces of work I have done over my 3 years at University which I may use in my portfolio:

3D Studio Max

Photoshop (Showing the effects of fast food)

Photoshop (new logo design for Remus Horse Sanctuary, Ingatestone)


Here is my completed CV. Information includes employment, education and experience to date.


Here is my final business card design. Printing and chosen paper remains the same as the previous post.


Richard Dutton - To finish his remaining 2 poster designs, using photographic imagery and changing text to Century Gothic where necessary.

Rob C - To change poster designs to match the theme of the exhibition. This includes changing type and imagery where necessary.

Shou Wang - To add to the A4 letter head. Info to be added includes, title of exhibition, website address and contact details.

Me - To finalise flyer designs now the information is available to do so.

All to be done by; Thursday 25th March


Below is the final front flyer design to be distributed prior to our exhibition.
The logo has been changed by Shou Wang, it now works very well with the overall theme of the exhibition. The sponsor has also been changed from Tesco to High Chelmer to honor Tesco's request.

I have added a rough design for the back of the flyer as well. This will be reviewed by Mikey and Sav on Thursday 18th March and any changes will be done ready for the following week.

- Richard is ongoing with his poster designs. I told him to use more photographic imagery rather than hand drawn artwork as it looks much more professional.

- Shou Wang will have A4 letter heads completed for invitations by Thursday 18th March.

- Rob C has done some great banner and poster designs, he will finalise these ready for this week (18th March).

- Adam was behind on his delegated work due to his late start, he will produce a range of work to be evaluated by our team in this weeks lecture (18th March).


After speaking to both team leaders, they decided that flyer number 2 was the best and have decided to go with this as the final piece, minus a few changes.
The logo is to be changed by Shou Wang to fit in better with the "arty" style of the theme. I suggested maybe a paint pot instead of a camera lens, although I left it entirely up to her.
The sponsors were also said to be too big, so they have been shrunk down in size.

Rob has produced some very professional looking work, although it does not fit in with the chosen theme. He agreed, and will have updated poster and banner designs by Thursday (11th March).

Adam has still not contacted me in regards to his tasks, so I presume he has no problems and I will be expecting work from him on Thursday 11th March.

Richard has produced some simple poster designs by hand. I suggested he use more photos or royalty-free images to fit in with the rest our groups ideas. These should be ready by Thursday 11th March.


Below are the updated flyer designs to be reviewed by Sav and Mikey on Thursday 4th March.
I have re-designed 3 flyers, all using the title and font that was agreed last week, as well as including the date of the exhibition.
I think that the first flyer is a bit too cluttered with the different paint splatters, The 2nd flyer is my favourite as it is well laid out with a good use of space.


The feedback from the team leaders regarding my flyer designs were great!
Both Mikey and Sav liked the designs and felt very little needed changing. The second flyer was their favourite and it was decided that this was to be used once a few tweaks had been made.
First of all, the logo which was made by Ellaine, was to be placed within the flyer. The words "design studio" was to be adjusted a bit. paint splatters from the 3rd flyer should be used instead, and all sponsors placed along the bottom of the flyer (so far only Tesco is confirmed).

I will have the updated flyer design done, and ready by Thursday's lecture (4th March).

- Allocated work was not completed by Richard Dutton. He assures me 3 poster ideas will be done by the 4th March.

- Rob C and Adam Rietti were not present at the lecture. However, I spoke to Rob and poster designs will be done by the 4th March.

-Adam has not been in contact.