
The new groups have now been established and the leaders of the 3 groups have delegated work to their groups.

Graphics Group - Leader: Craig Barker (Me)
Web Design Group - Leader: Mike Sibley
Exhibition Group - Leader: Savva Pelou

As the leader of the graphics group I am in charge of making sure the work required is dispersed evenly between my team members.

The work to be done is as follows:

Posters - Richard Dutton
Flyers - Me
Logo - Shou Wang
Banners - Adam Arietti
A selection of each - Rob C

We have all agreed that rough ideas will be shown in this weeks session (Thurs 25th Feb)

1 Response to Week 5 - Work Allocation

25 February 2010 at 03:15

Be sure of elaborating a timetable with the other two teamleaders, in that way you will know what your group is expected to do for specific dates.

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