
For my business card, I wanted to make it different to the generic cards we see in everyday life - landscape with a small logo, a few dull colours and the persons contact details.

Taking these points into account, I decided to make my business card portrait and use bright colours to attract attention and simple fonts to make it easy to read. I have also included one of my favorite design quotes by the late Hungarian painter Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, which I think completes the whole card.

My Business Card is one sided in order to keep production costs to a minimum and will be printed standard business card size (3.5inch x 2inch) and on Matt 255GM photopaper.

2 Response to Business Card

25 February 2010 at 03:14

Love it! Now, start working with application of different palettes of colours, you might get a pleasant suprise if you do it. Sometimes experimenting with colour can change the message in very interesting ways. I suggest you to have a look in the website and BOOKS (might be better) for Psychology of Colour. It might give a more congruent message to your card. Have a look and start experimenting.

4 March 2010 at 03:29

I was looking forward to see the new changes in CV and business card... don't forget about them. You have very powerful ideas, be sure to pay as much attention to your CV and business card as you do with the exhibition. Please, don't let one more week go by without working in them. Hope to see some changes in them for next week.

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