
Just a rough idea for a CV layout. I decided to keep the layout simple using strong but not over-powering colours which also keep a connection with my business card. I'm not 100% sure I like this idea yet, I will tweak it a bit more and see what I can come up with.

2 Response to CV Layout

25 February 2010 at 03:12

Well done Craig, just be sure to keep the balance in your typo. Try working with a smaller type size in the first letter cause the massive difference between that one and the rest of the word make it look a little bit unbalanced. What about using a completely different typo in that letter (maybe a sans serif, or a really organic one), or what about changing the colour of the first letter... maybe even adding a shape underneath it. Still, I think your idea works and gives a visual guidance to the reader. They're going to be able to find the information they're looking for really fast, a good thing when you're applying for a job in a group of 100 applicants.

17 March 2010 at 17:49

You haven't done a single change yet? Be sure of not forgetting about your personal development. Also, I don't want anyone to leave on holiday without adding to their blogs: binding ideas for portfolio, work you will include and how you will organize the information. Be sure to do it this week. Also, I need to know if you're planning to do a website or you are going to keep your blog. If it's the second option, start adapting it to your whole branding.

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