
Here are 3 flyer ideas that I have come up with for our exhibition entitled 'Design Studio'.

I have kept the flyer clutter-free and used bright colours to grab the readers attention. There is also room to place the exhibition logo when necessary. I think these flyers work well as they display the information clearly and effectively, and also show the 'arty' style of our exhibition through the flyer design.


This piece is from the 3D Animation module in Year 2. This scene represents summer and was made from scratch in 3DS Max. I am quite proud of this piece as it was my 1st attempt at using a new software.


This piece is from our Generic Software module in year 1.
It is a sequel to the popular action movie, Die Hard and features me as the star. It was produced on Photoshop using all my own imagery.


Just a rough idea for a CV layout. I decided to keep the layout simple using strong but not over-powering colours which also keep a connection with my business card. I'm not 100% sure I like this idea yet, I will tweak it a bit more and see what I can come up with.


For my business card, I wanted to make it different to the generic cards we see in everyday life - landscape with a small logo, a few dull colours and the persons contact details.

Taking these points into account, I decided to make my business card portrait and use bright colours to attract attention and simple fonts to make it easy to read. I have also included one of my favorite design quotes by the late Hungarian painter Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, which I think completes the whole card.

My Business Card is one sided in order to keep production costs to a minimum and will be printed standard business card size (3.5inch x 2inch) and on Matt 255GM photopaper.


The new groups have now been established and the leaders of the 3 groups have delegated work to their groups.

Graphics Group - Leader: Craig Barker (Me)
Web Design Group - Leader: Mike Sibley
Exhibition Group - Leader: Savva Pelou

As the leader of the graphics group I am in charge of making sure the work required is dispersed evenly between my team members.

The work to be done is as follows:

Posters - Richard Dutton
Flyers - Me
Logo - Shou Wang
Banners - Adam Arietti
A selection of each - Rob C

We have all agreed that rough ideas will be shown in this weeks session (Thurs 25th Feb)


Today we presented our theme ideas to the class in the hope that one of our ideas would be chosen for the exhibition.
We presented our two favourite ideas - Apocalyptic and Behind Closed Doors.

Using our groups work, Sav produced a powerpoint presentation showcasing it all with detailed information of how things would be made if our idea was chosen.

Unfortunatly our idea wasn't chosen and the class decided to go with another group's work - Design Studio.


This week we all got together and decided to do some more work on our other theme - Behind Closed Doors. Although we are very fond of our Apocalyptic theme, time constraints and lack of resources could prove to be a problem for this large theme.

Below is a flyer I have created for Behind Closed Doors, I have kept it simple and spacious and feel the space works well within the boundaries of the design.


This week we spent the majority of the lecture refining ideas and reviewing the workspace that we have been provided with. Theresa took some photos of the shop along with some measurements which can be found on her Blog.

Savva was in charge of allocating the tasks for our chosen theme, mine was as follows:

: To design and present flyers for the "Apocalyptic" theme. (I chose Craig for this task as he has strength in layout design and also works without boundaries.)

Below are two of my rough flyer designs. The "Apocalyptic" wording has only been put in to ensure the layout and spacing of the flyer worked well.