
I arrived at the shop at 8.45am on Saturday 22nd May and was the 3rd person there after Sav and Tom Mortimer. I was very impressed with what the group had done the day before, and felt that we had a great looking exhibition!

Although the group worked all day the day before setting up, there was still the odd task to do during the day whilst the exhibition was open. The day started pretty quietly, the odd person would stop, poke their head in and walk away. We did however get a fair amount of kids in to draw on the wall. Personally I think the exhibition could have done with a few more things like this, set up,to get the public involved.

The work would occasionally fall from one of the wires and hang wonky, this was solved by adding more tape! The walls also needed more doodles to cover the horrible, ripped plasterboard..... so we did some!

Towards the end of the day, we decided that the placement of the sofa was possible putting people off from entering the exhibition. The way we were sitting meant that as soon as someone walked in, they would see us, crowded together in the back of the room - this was possibly intimidating for some people. We cured this problem by using the sofa cover as a curtain, and put the sofa behind it. This cut off our personal section of the shop from that of the exhibition.

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