
Over the week, we had many problems, some worse than others.
I have listed the main problems below;

One of the more important ones, was that of the constantly falling work. The way we hung it meant the tape would become warm and loose and eventually fall, we decided not to overhaul the entire display, but simply deal with the work as and when it fell (which was often).

Another problem was the very out of sync timetable. Team members would come in, and change their days to whatever suited them best, which did on some occasions leave only one person opening the shop, often later than 9am.

The final major problem would be that of funding. Everyone was against spending a lot of our own money on this exhibition (me being one of them). However, a few people wouldn't even hand over a few pounds for printing and stationary, which is nothing short of TIGHT!

I felt that the exhibition on the whole went very well, I think we all worked well as a team, and had each others backs, some non-group members also stepped up when necessary which I think was great.
Some team members made little or no appearances during crucial times, (Adam Rietti being one of them). No matter how often he was contacted, he would still ignore the messages and not come in.

I do feel proud to be involved in such an event, as all work and props were our own. I do however think the lack of University help or even interest was nothing short of appalling! Not only did no-one other than our lecturers show up, they also gave us no financial help or even a few free prints. It is for this reason that I believe the exhibition was not as good as it could have been.

However, when it's all said and done, I enjoyed this module, and felt the way the exhibition turned out and the number of positive comments meant we did ourselves proud.

I think this module was a perfect way to finish our degree, as it made us work with people day in day out, who we normally wouldn't choose to work with. This meant we learnt a lot about each other and helped us to prepare for future employment.

I wish everyone the best of success for the future.


I have created welcome boards for the exhibition, as general feedback was that people were confused about what the exhibition was actually for.

Below is a low-res copy of the A3 information board.


I arrived at the shop at 8.45am on Saturday 22nd May and was the 3rd person there after Sav and Tom Mortimer. I was very impressed with what the group had done the day before, and felt that we had a great looking exhibition!

Although the group worked all day the day before setting up, there was still the odd task to do during the day whilst the exhibition was open. The day started pretty quietly, the odd person would stop, poke their head in and walk away. We did however get a fair amount of kids in to draw on the wall. Personally I think the exhibition could have done with a few more things like this, set up,to get the public involved.

The work would occasionally fall from one of the wires and hang wonky, this was solved by adding more tape! The walls also needed more doodles to cover the horrible, ripped plasterboard..... so we did some!

Towards the end of the day, we decided that the placement of the sofa was possible putting people off from entering the exhibition. The way we were sitting meant that as soon as someone walked in, they would see us, crowded together in the back of the room - this was possibly intimidating for some people. We cured this problem by using the sofa cover as a curtain, and put the sofa behind it. This cut off our personal section of the shop from that of the exhibition.


I was not in attendance today to help the teams set up, due to a close bereavement.

I have however, had lengthy conversations with Sav today over the phone and he assures me that everything went according to plan and we are all on track to open tomorrow.

We originally decided to print 6 A2 posters for the windows of the exhibition, but due to pricing being £11 per A2 sheet, this idea might well change.


I have been in contact with Sav and Mike, and we will be meeting in University on Monday 17th May to print all work and design the t-shirts for the event.

I have received Adam's updated poster designs and will print these Monday.
I am having trouble getting hold of Rob C to get his invitation designs from him, it is especially difficult as he doesn't use Facebook or check his blog that often.

Other than that, the design group and myself are on track!


Now we know what unit we are having at High Chelmer, the time has come to print off posters for the windows and directional arrows.

Digital copy services will charge £2.80 for 4, colour, A3 Posters and 10 directional arrows will cost £1.

So in total, the group (including myself), will need to bring a small amount of money to the exhibition to cover the £3.80 printing fee.


Since I didn't update any news on the exhibition over Easter, here it is:

Rob C - Banner COMPLETE

Shou Wang - Letter Head & Logo COMPLETE

Me - Flyers (front and back inc sponsors) COMPLETE

Richard Dutton - Poster still needed tweaking as of last Thursday (22nd April) as ghost images were still visible above certain images.

Adam Rietti - Still confused about what tasks need doing. He is making 1 poster which MUST
be ready for print by next lecture (Thurs 29th April).

**Awaiting Sav's orders regarding printing of Flyers and Banners**